Julian Assange BIOGRAPHY

Full name: Julian Paul Assange
Born: 1971, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Currently: Editor in chief and spokesperson for Wikileaks, Hacker
Previously: Journalist, programmer, internet activist
Website: www.wiki leaks.org

Awards: Amnesty International UK Media Awards 2009, Sam Adams Award 2010
Julian Paul Assange ( born 1971) is an Australian internet activist and journalist best known for his involvement with Wikileaks, a whistleblower website. Assange was a physics and mathematics student, a hacker and a computer programmer, before taking on his current role as spokesperson and editor in chief for Wikileaks.
After the hacking trial, Assange lived in Melbourne as a programmer and a developer of free software. In 1995, Assange wrote Strobe, the first free and open source port scanner.[13][14] Strobe inspired Fyodor to develop the Nmap port scanner.
Assange has said that it is “pretty much true” that he is constantly on the move, and that he is “living in airports these days”. Assange has lived for periods in Australia, Kenya and Tanzania, and has visited many other places including Vietnam, Sweden, Iceland, Siberia, Iraq, Belgium and the United States.
Assange was the winner of the 2009 Amnesty International Media Award (New Media),[31] awarded for exposing extrajudicial assassinations in Kenya with the investigation The Cry of Blood – Extra Judicial Killings and Disappearances.
Wikileaks is an international organization based in Sweden that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of otherwise unavailable documents while preserving the anonymity of sources.
In April 2010, a video posted on a website called Collateral Murder established Wikileaks as a prime portal for unauthorized, accurate accounts, documents and video from distant battlefields. In July of the same year, Wikileaks released Afghan War Diary, a compilation of more than 90,000 documents about the War in Afghanistan not previously available for public review.
Julian Assange at New Media Days 09 in Copenhagen.
Julian Assange at New Media Days 09 in Copenhagen.
- http://en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange
- http://en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Wikileaks
- Jawa Pos (Indonesian Magazine), august 1st, 2010 page: 4
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